Find our Strategic plan here: 2023-2027 STRATEGIC PLAN

The Truckee River Trout Unlimited Strategic Plan was recently updated and is the document the chapter will use to guide its activities from 2023 through 2027.  It is a living document and will be changed from time to time.  

TU’s national mission to protect, restore, reconnect and sustain our cold-water fisheries for the benefit of future generations guides our plan. The plan will be used in conjunction with the chapter bylaws and the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis (an addendum to this document) we completed in November 2018, and updated in March 2023. TRTU's plan contemplates a number of activities from fundraising, membership growth, youth programs and habitat restoration to regulation changes and stocking programs. While the plan attempts to be comprehensive, it is not limited to the activities listed and because of unpredictable externalities such as wildfire, the effects of climate change, government regulations, etc., it is likely that there will be course corrections along the way. We will accomplish this through building our membership, communication and outreach, fundraising, conservation projects, youth engagement and education and supporting our veterans.

Truckee River Trout Unlimited 2023 Review